HSE Medical Card Review frightens Senior Citizens

Fianna Fáil Councillor, John Paul Feeley has criticised the issue of
review forms to hundreds of Over -70 Medical Card holders in recent
days. Referring to the concerns expressed to him, he believes older
people are being frightened by these forms and the level of
information required.

‘I have been contacted by numerous people in recent days who have
received Review Forms for Over-70 Medical Cards. These forms are
causing huge concern to many people requiring that they obtain details
of their income, bank accounts and other assets and return these
within two weeks to the HSE.’

The forms require details of land, bank accounts and other assets. In
some cases this will require details of tax returns for the past year.

‘Many people received their Medical Card automatically and never had
to make application to the HSE in the first instance. Most of them are
on very modest incomes. There Cards are supposed to be valid into
2014, yet people are being asked to complete review forms now. This is
a bizarre practice and is a waste of money as all of the forms
returned will have to be dealt with by the HSE.’

The HSE centralised the Medical Card Office, moving the local
responsibility and administration to a centralised office in Dublin.

‘Local common-sense has been removed from the administration of
Medical Cards. I am concerned that people holding a few cows or sheep
in their retirement will now be required to make Tax Returns with the
additional costs involved with that. The HSE must accept the details
provided to them in respect of these small holdings. They must use a
reasonable approach. The removal of, or even any doubt about a Medical
Card causes huge concern to a person who needs regular medical
services, medication and access to other professionals, their GP and
District Nurses.’

Concluding, the Fianna Fáil Councillor emphasised that the HSE should
not review Medical Cards without good grounds and should not continue
to issue indiscriminate review form.